
Panic Buying in the Age of Corona

Panic buying is something magical; it really brings people together. Peeps crowded together in close, germy contact, buying entire shopping carts full of TP and water like COVID-19 is Taco Bell. My husband works for a wholesale store, and people have been lined up around the building, waiting in two-hour lines just to enter. They wait in another two hours to check out. Last week, some Karen actually called the police because there was no more toilet paper. I went out in this mass of humanity to buy my weekly groceries because I am not crazy, and to buy some rice, beans, and pasta in case the food chain fails (because other people are). Walmart was absolutely amazing. Of course there was no toilet paper or tissues (the exception being one roll of one loves Scott) and all of the water was gone save the Fiji. Apparently the "finest water untouched by man" is too pricey, even in the face of a global pandemic. No hand sanitizer, no rubbing alcohol or aloe (the